Thursday, July 17, 2008

Soulkeeper MUD Dev pt2: Instances and wilderness

Continuing with the Diablo & World of Warcraft mud theme, the instance data structure has now been implemented and a few control procedures are in place to handle them. Someone can now select the instance they want to go to, then enter a portal and arrive at the newly created instance.

One big benefit of this, is that you or your group can complete an instance unhindered by other players, which can make for great boss / mini-boss encounters. One bug reared it's ugly head and refused to be squashed after much debugging. It was locking up the mud, and the process had to be killed. After a bit of banging my head on the desk, I found the cause.. a missing char_from_room() function, which was effectively duplicating a person and when they entered the room again, it encountered a clone and had a brain haemorrhage.

I've created one instance to test out the new functionality, the goblin caves, and it works surprisingly well. Builders will be able to create 'dungeon templates' that can be new instances. Basically set up the types of mobs that can appear, plus mini-bosses, champions, and the final instance boss (which every instance much have). These special types of mob have better chances of dropping rare loot.

I've also created the core city that will be the hub for adventurers, Gerris. This city has the portal fixture for instances, plus wilderness exits. I've also Added a few wiz commands to manage instances.

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