Monday, August 4, 2008

Builders wanted

I think Soulkeeper has gotten to the point whereby some builders can start creating some (hopefully cool) content.

If you like writing, have a good imagination, and think a medieval/fantasy setting is right up your alley, come on by...

Soulkeeper is at 5111

If your unsure how MUDS work, or how to connect to Soulkeeper, hopefully this will point you in the right direction.
I recommend SimpleMU on windows, and tinyfigue on Linux
SimpleMU Client download

If you have any problems, or are just new to MUDS, drop me a comment on here and I'll give you a hand.

Cleanup and housekeeping

I've often said, it's always the small fiddly tasks that take the majority of time, when your coding significant changes. As I run a test character through, I'm improving things here and there... go back to the character, spot something else, fix that, go back again... etc etc. You get the idea. It's a slow process, but an important one at the same time. Polish, polish, polish.

Looking back at my to-do list, I see only a couple of major changes left. The automated battle call system. Whilst the battle code and arena are already coded, test and working, the automated system isn't there yet. Actually the majority of the work isn't in the automated battle calls, but rather the league tables for each level range (1-5, 6-10, 11-15, etc).

Another reasonably big change is the magic system, where spells have a delay time (Dependant on the spell, average probably 2 seconds), and if the spell caster is damaged at all during casting, the wait time increases. To counter this, spells will do more damage. Thus introducing some tactics, where spells can be countered with appropriate skills.