Monday, August 4, 2008

Builders wanted

I think Soulkeeper has gotten to the point whereby some builders can start creating some (hopefully cool) content.

If you like writing, have a good imagination, and think a medieval/fantasy setting is right up your alley, come on by...

Soulkeeper is at 5111

If your unsure how MUDS work, or how to connect to Soulkeeper, hopefully this will point you in the right direction.
I recommend SimpleMU on windows, and tinyfigue on Linux
SimpleMU Client download

If you have any problems, or are just new to MUDS, drop me a comment on here and I'll give you a hand.

1 comment:

Ataca said...

Hey man, did this project die off again or you still working? I check on it every couple of years to see if my home is back around or not!